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quem somosxxx

We are Vetor Media, a Brazilian company operating worldwide and highly specialized in translation / version, subtitling, transcription and closed captioning.

Our company was born from our passion for stories. We are fascinated by the stories told in movies, books, series, documentaries and TV shows, and also by all the stories happening right now, in every corner of the world. We are also fascinated by the stories of the different cultures in which these stories are born, and by the stories of the different people who are born from such cultures. And also by the close, sentimental stories: those of our clients, our friends, our family, our own.

We are passionate about all stories because we believe that, in fact, they are together weaving one single and amazing story – the human story. Which is your story, our story, and that of the nearly eight billion people who inhabit our planet.

We are part of a diverse and increasingly interconnected world, which today is able to share its stories like never before. And we believe that, by acting ethically and consciously so that these stories are told, understood and appreciated in the most different cultures and by all people, we will be contributing to the social, economic and cultural development of the entire planet. Our mission is to provide excellent services in the field of audiovisual translation, which are recognized for their high technical quality, deep linguistic knowledge, understanding of cultural diversities and identities, and respect for the commitments made with our entire network of relationships, both direct and indirect. To this end, we have structured an outstanding, cohesive and committed multilingual team, composed of experienced and highly specialized professionals, driven by the same passion. We act ethically, efficiently and transparently, and provide our clients with personalized work, on time and for a fair price.

why Vetor?

Being Vetor is about transporting, transmitting – which for us, it means to transport content and to transmit meaning. Being Vetor is to transport this content with full control over direction and meaning. It is to ensure that, along the path, all the parts align, with the same intensity and precision (passion and strictness). And deliver true meaning, in the most sensitive, exquisite and accurate way possible.

our leaders

Paula Andrade

Project Manager

Depois de quase doze anos atuando na área de vendas, Paula entra para o nosso time assumindo a posição de Gerente de Projetos e acredita ter encontrado o trabalho dos sonhos! Aqui, vê a possibilidade de unir duas de suas paixões: o universo das séries e filmes, capaz de transporta-la para lugares e histórias que sonha em conhecer e viver; e a curiosidade de aprender novos idiomas, que a levou a começar a estudar inglês sozinha quando adolescente e a dedicar parte de seu tempo livre para aprender um pouquinho de espanhol, no último ano.

Waldo Erminy

Language Director

Our Language Director is the veteran of the team: he has been working professionally as a subtitler and subtitle reviewer since 1989. He started working for Softni Corporation in Venezuela, his home country, and hasn't stopped subtitling ever since. Although he doesn't like to have rules in his everyday life, Waldo knows how to apply with perfection and creativity the necessary rules in the world of subtitling – and is super fast and flexible to adapt to any changes our customers may require.

what we do

closed captioning

It is a great inclusion tool, and therefore extremely important. We believe that all people should have equal access to stories and understand them in their integrity. That's why we conduct every step of the closed captioning process very carefully, from content transcription to synchronization and insertion into the video.


We love doing this. From the translation of the script to the division of subtitles and synchronization with the video, we take care of each step as if we were knitting: with extreme technique, and also with a vision of the whole, adaptation to the context, coherence in vocabulary and precision in timing.


How to turn an oral content, often permeated by informality and improvisation, into an impeccable and cohesive text? That's the challenge of transcription – a challenge we love to face! We transform audiovisual records of conferences, workshops, courses and lectures into consistent, articulated texts that excel in accuracy.

translation, version and revision

Due to our clients' demand, we ended up expanding our business to serve them also in projects that involve written publications. To this end, we established partnerships with renowned translators and proofreaders and today we offer, with the same quality as our translations and transcriptions of audiovisual content, three other services:

Tradução :: conversão de textos originais em língua estrangeira para português

Versão :: conversão de originais em português para língua estrangeira

Revisão :: edição e correção de textos em língua estrangeira, originais ou traduzidos


We have a fine-tuned and cohesive team, dedicated mainly to Brazilian Portuguese, English and Latin American Spanish. However, the consolidated partnerships with other translators and proofreaders and our working methodology make it possible to provide services in several other languages – always with the same level of excellence and with the same passion!


talk with us

Are you a customer and would like to request a quote? Are you a translator or proofreader and would like to submit your CV? Contact us, we will be happy to meet you!


São Paulo | Brazil


(+55 11) 94223-1101




(+55 11) 3280-3277